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KS4: Creative Writing inspired by Saving Private Ryan

KS4: Creative Writing inspired by Saving Private Ryan

Material I generated for the old AQA style creative writing controlled assessments - it still resonates with the new AQA Paper 1 Section B style questions (inspired by images). You'll need a copy of the film and you'll need to alter the Learning Outcomes (they are all set against the old AQA English Language Coursework criteria).
Exploring Political Speeches (based around the old AQA English Language Spoken Language criteria)

Exploring Political Speeches (based around the old AQA English Language Spoken Language criteria)

I had SO much fun with this unit of work! It helped that the TA in my class went on to become a local MP for Labour (still is as far as I can tell...). Essentially, this series of 5 lessons - which, by the way, totally went over the 5 lessons I gave myself to teach this - explores a number of different political speeches. Included in the pack are a number of transcripts - Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, Alex Ferguson's farewell speech, Bush's post-911 address to the nation and the transcripts of Clegg, Cameron and Brown from the First Televised General Election Debates (heavy stuff). I was a little tentative at teaching this to a bottom set year 9 class, but they totally got on board with the debates (they tore shreds out of Brown...) and engaged well with the controlled assessment task at the end. I know that the controlled assessments are now null and void (a shame really), but the exploration of speeches might be useful to someone out there in the teaching ether...
KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

KS3: Introduction to Pre-1914 texts

A useful little unit that we put together to fill a 2/3 week gap. It has the students explore pre-1914 material - poetry and prose - and ends with a controlled assessment in the vein of the old AQA English style questions for the Literature paper. Might fill some other gaps out there in shorter half terms.
AQA English Literature Resource Bundle

AQA English Literature Resource Bundle

5 Resources
A collection of schemes that will aid in the revision and teaching of the AQA English Literature examination. PS - I intend to upload a Romeo and Juliet scheme of work too (as soon as I have finished making it).
KS3: Shakespearean Sonnet exploration and creative writing

KS3: Shakespearean Sonnet exploration and creative writing

I had a lot of fun with this unit of work. The premise is simple: to explore the Shakespearean Sonnet form and to create your own Shakespearean Sonnet. There is a also a focus on spelling too. Included in this pack is a lesson I have also sold elsewhere - just saying!
KS3: Exploring the theme of "otherness" in Shakespeare

KS3: Exploring the theme of "otherness" in Shakespeare

A unit of work I did not design, but these are the lessons I created to teach it. The lessons focus on The Tempest and Othello. These lessons were designed to be taught to a bottom set Year 9 class with more interest in staring out of the window than exploring the linguistic delights of the Bard. However, once I started to Story Woosh the plays, the analytical lessons became much more productive.
AQA English Literature - A Christmas Carol: Complete Unit of Work

AQA English Literature - A Christmas Carol: Complete Unit of Work

The lessons are designed to tie in specifically with the Scholastic Classics version of the text OR the Collins Classroom Classics version, but it wouldn’t take too much to use this with any version to be honest. Visually, the powerpoints are designed to be eye-catching. Each one is loaded with links to videos, layered with animations and suitably spooky xmas music. The lessons are ordered via number for your convenience. There is a specific focus on each of the GCSE Assessment Focuses, starting with AO3 (It makes sense, to me at least, to contextualise the story prior to reading it). The stave lessons each contain definitions of the archaic words (though there is a definite backing off with this the further in you get: as the students get more familiar with the language, they’ll need less prompting with decoding it), as well as a particular focus on key quotations. There are comprehension questions layered throughout, and the first THREE of the stave lessons have an ending task that links to a type of question found in AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A - my class had previously focused on this unit and it made sense to me to keep these skills “hot” so to speak. The AO specific lessons tie in with the Assessment Objectives for the English Literature course. The AO1 and AO2 lessons assume that the students have read the entire text. Finally, the theme lessons build towards the students sitting a GCSE Literature style assessment. I have sourced a lot of ideas from the following pdf file - I wouldn’t feel comfortable trying to pass these ideas off as my own; I include the link so that any person might have the benefit of this resource without having to pay for mine: http://drbacchus.com/files/christmas_carol/glossary.pdf There’s about 30+ hours worth of teaching materials in here; enjoy!
KS3: SPaG Understanding a Text Lessons (Focusing on John Steinbeck)

KS3: SPaG Understanding a Text Lessons (Focusing on John Steinbeck)

Designed to be taught in support of a Year 9 class doing a GCSE-style task on Of Mice and Men. These powerpoints make good activities as part of a lesson, or they can be printed off as individual worksheets. The worksheet element contains a RAG rating system and some generic targets, suited for peer or self assessment.
AQA English Literature: Macbeth

AQA English Literature: Macbeth

A collection of resources designed to support the teaching of Macbeth at GCSE level. The lessons assume that the class will be “acting” out the play, using the summary as a stimulus for the acting out element. I interspersed this acting with numerous directions to read the text aloud; overall, the students enjoyed this combination of normal language and Shakespearean. It has always been my way to establish an initial understanding of a Shakespearean text before trying to wade through the language. Hopefully, this will prove a useful starting point.
AQA English Literature: An Inspector Calls essay building lesson

AQA English Literature: An Inspector Calls essay building lesson

A lesson that models the process of building a high-end An Inspector Calls essay. Please note, the lesson assumes that the class has read the play and has attempted versions of the AQA English Literature questions already. Also, the lesson works best as an aspirational example: I concentrate on using sophisticated language to shape my points, and focus on integrating appropriate references. Please note I’ve deliberately left some academic “gaps” too - this model response is a high-quality response, but there are other avenues of academic insight that can be taken. Bottom line, to get the most out of this lesson, you’ll need to spend a little time going through it all first - hence the low price.
AQA Power and Conflict Poetry True or False Statement Generator

AQA Power and Conflict Poetry True or False Statement Generator

A useful little resource that can be a starter/plenary element in your lessons. The spreadsheet generates ten randomly selected true or false statements from a bank of over 260. Each of the power and conflict poems is covered and there is the scope for you to add in your own or edit the statements that are there. I released this to my year 11s as a revision tool and they found it very useful. Additionally, I have included a blank copy of the spreadsheet so you can create your own ToF statement generator.
AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: The Tollund Man

AQA A-Level English Language and Literature: The Tollund Man

A lesson I put together to assist with the teaching of The Tollund Man. Pay attention to the notes element of the power point. I source a lot of information from a lot of different places here. Also, the essay questions at the end tee up nicely into a lesson focusing on comparison.
AQA English Literature Poetry Knowledge Tracker Spreadsheet

AQA English Literature Poetry Knowledge Tracker Spreadsheet

A useful little tool. It allows you to RAGB(red, amber, green, blue) your students understanding/annotations of the 15 Power and Conflict poems in the AQA anthology. Also, it provides you with a poem by poem breakdown of your classes understanding/quality of annotations so you can see where the gaps are all the clearer. The spreadsheet is set up for a class of up to 40, but the coding can easily be altered to allow for a whole year group.